February 2023 - July 2023

Beyond the launch…

You launched your podcast - yay! You learned how to edit (HUGE DEAL btw!), consistently pitch guests, honed in your interview skills, are finally getting the hang of content planning and maybe even built a system that doesn’t have you scrambling to put together an episode the day before you normally publish…

But… you’re still overwhelmed. You feel like sometimes you’re talking into the abyss. You put SO much work into your podcast, but it seems like your downloads barely go up.

The last review a listener left you was 2 months ago. And you don’t understand how this could actually work long-term, let alone help you drive new leads, sales, and online visibility.

It’s not that you’re bad at podcasting. You’re INCREDIBLE.

You just haven’t learned the next set of skills yet.

Just like a sensei goes through many levels to become a third-degree black belt, podcasters go through various levels to build consistency and master the craft.

This is where Amplify comes in. It’s for podcasters who have launched their podcasts, and want to take it to the next level, but feel stuck, lost, or overwhelmed and are this close 🤏 to throwing it all in the trash.