If you’re considering pursuing a digital nomad lifestyle, I need you to listen to this episode! Last week, we touched on the ins and outs of traveling full time while running a business. This week, I really want to get into how to travel full time and take care of your needs as a human being.

I’m going to be so real with you - traveling introduces a lot of issues. From missing your college friends weddings to dealing with gut issues and stress, I want you to go in prepared. After years of traveling, i’ve found the routines and protocols that I need to follow to take care of myself to the best of my ability.

Because the truth is, it’s not always as glamorous as people like to make it out to be. You might come up against feelings of true loneliness when you’re in a new place by yourself. You will probably have moments when you’re like “why am I putting myself through this?” But for me, I feel like it’s all worth it because of the depth of experience I have the privilege to put myself through.

So tune in if you’re curious about traveling more in the coming months. I think this episode is really going to set you up for success!

In this episode, we’re diving into:


[00:00:00] What's up, everybody. Welcome back to my non expert opinion. I'm your host, Chelsea Riffe, and I'm also a podcast strategist who helps people launch and grow their podcasts. Last week, I did a part one about how to travel full time because I am a full time digital nomad. I am constantly on the go. And one of the biggest questions I get is how do you do that and run a business and not go completely insane?

So that was part one. And we covered everything from having an attitude of patience and flexibility to tapping into community. Minimalism when packing scheduling and understanding time management and just picking where to go. Right? How do you actually know where to go? And the currency and the language and the cost of living that was all discussed in part one.

So if you haven't checked that out, go pause this, listen to part one. And then today we're going to pick up with part two. Now before we get into part two, which is [00:01:00] very much about routines and the challenges, budgeting, the mindset and why the hell I even opt into this lifestyle. I just want to remind you that anyone who leaves a review this month of October, you'll be entered into a giveaway to win a 20 minute laser coaching session with me.

So all you have to do is go to Apple podcasts, go to my show and my non expert opinion, scroll down to where it says, write a review. So it looks like you're actually going to listen to old episodes. It's really weird. I think Apple podcasts messed up this user interface, but scroll down to that section.

And then you'll see where it says, write a review. So take a screenshot of that review, probably before you hit submit, because Apple's weird and it won't show up for a while. And then email it to info at chelsea riffe. com or DM it to me on Instagram at Chelsea Riffe. Full disclosure, I've taken a big step back from Instagram, so it's definitely better to email me and I will enter you into that giveaway to win that 20 minute laser coaching session with me.