WTF goes on behind the scenes inside the life of an influencer? I have a VERY inside baseball view of the influencer industry, and I’m here to share the secrets. After working in influencer marketing to being an influencer myself, I don’t gate keep. We’re getting into the nitty gritty, so you can see if becoming an influencer or content creator is for you.

You’ve heard about influencers making BANK from one Instagram post. It’s so natural to hear that and immediately think “YES! That’s what I want!”

But what about the legal complexities? What about the toxic, comparison obsessed vibe that you can feel at influencer events? From staying on top of trends to staying "hot," we'll explore the very real challenges that come with influencer marketing.

Also… what if you want to be both an influencer AND coach?! We’re getting into that too! I share my top picks of people who have mixed the worlds of consulting and influencing to build an empire.

In this episode, we’re chatting about:


chelsea: [00:00:00] What's up, welcome back to my non expert opinion. I'm your host, Chelsea Riffe, and today you are tuning in to part two of coaching versus influencing. So if you have not listened to part one, stop right now, go back to last week and check out part one where I talk about all the pros and cons of coaching.

This week we're getting into influencing and I am very excited because I have a deep, deep background on this, not only because I worked in influencer marketing, but I've been an influencer myself where I've worked with brands on sponsorships as well as affiliate links. and other types of partnerships.

So I'm coming at this from a very 360 view and not just one of these people on TikTok that's like always making fun of influencers. I have the background and understand this. So The reason I wanted to do these episodes is because I see a lot of people struggling with content creation, especially when it comes to podcasting, [00:01:00] because they don't really know what lane they fall in.

And they're like, I just feel like my podcast is this constant big production and I don't really know what it's doing for me. And so that's why I wanted to break these down, because your podcast and the way you create content can be more meaningful and drive to specific things and prompt people to do the things that you want them to do.

Whether that is going to buy a product from the brand that you partner with, or maybe it's buying a course that you created. Now I know what everyone's thinking, can you do both? That's a question I answer at the end of the episode, so stay tuned, listen to the whole thing, and you will see which one should you be, coach or influencer, and can you do both?

Before we dive in, it's the holidays and I want to reward you all with a very special giveaway for leaving a review. So for this month, only month of December, the review incentive is going to be a 30 minute one on one coaching call. So all you have to do is go to Apple podcasts. Find my podcast and my non expert opinion, go to the section that says write a review, write that review, and then [00:02:00] screenshot it, send it to info at chelsea Riffe dot com or at chelsea Riffe on Instagram, I will enter you into this giveaway where you could have the opportunity to speak with me one on one for 30 minutes completely free.

This is a thank you for listening and supporting. And as always, please support by sharing this in the group chat in your newsletter on your Instagram stories. Anything and everything helps, and I appreciate you so much. Alright, let's get into part two of this week's episode. Alright, so now let's talk about influencers.

Influencers make their money through brand partnerships, creating their own product lines, collaborating with networks, media appearances, etc. And a lot of this usually comes from their lifestyle or their messaging about a specific viewpoint that they have on things. So some of the pros of influencers.