Can you believe it's the final episode of 2023? Before we dive into the excitement of 2024, I've got a treat for you – it's the most downloaded episode of the year, my business year-in-review.

Why is this episode such a hit? Well, I'm a bit of an oversharer by nature. I believe in transparency because, let's be real, when we're open about our wins and losses, it helps everyone stop the comparison game. In today's episode, I'm laying it all out there – the behind-the-scenes stuff you didn't see on Instagram or hear in previous podcasts.

Want to know what has been a huge game changer for me this year? Investing in done-for-you services. We’re chatting all about finding your zone of genius and why getting clear on how YOUR brain works can help you raise your income peacefully. Trust me; it's worth it. But don’t get it twisted! As the CEO, you're the one steering the ship. I've learned this the hard way.

Learning how to manage people is such an essential skill in scaling! It's not my favorite thing, but I've realized it's crucial. You can't wear all the hats forever. Knowing how you work and conveying that to your team makes everything smoother.

I’m also sharing a hot tip for those creatives out there - high ticket clients on monthly payment plans are your best friend! Forget starting at zero every month; it's much more relaxing when you know what to expect.And guess what? At the end of this episode, I'm spilling all the tea on my numbers – business income, expenses, profitability – the whole shebang. So, buckle up, enjoy the ride, and get ready for the grand finale of 2023!


Hello. Hello, everybody. Wow. Welcome back to In My Non Expert Opinion. We are at the final episode of 2023 right before we head into 2024 and you are in for a treat because this is always my most highly downloaded episode, my business year in reveal. I think it's so popular because I really open up about my finances, about what I learned, about what I think I did really bad.

I'm kind of naturally an oversharer. I really value transparency and I just feel like when people are more transparent, it helps us all stop comparing and realize, oh, if she did it and she fixed it, maybe I could do it too,

or we stop beating ourselves up for doing something wrong when we're like, Oh, everyone does that. Everyone's winging it. So that's my goal with today's episode is to be open and transparent so you understand what went behind the scenes, what you didn't see on Instagram, what I didn't share in the podcast or emails.

So buckle up, get ready. This is really the episode where I spill the most tea.

Quick reminder, if you want to win a one on one with me, all you have [00:01:00] to do for the very last episode of the year is leave a review on Apple podcasts. Go to my show and my non expert opinion, scroll down, find the part where it says, write a review, write that review, and then send it to info at chelsea rife.

com or at chelsea rife on Instagram. Screenshot this and DM me before you hit submit so that you actually get entered into the giveaway Because sometimes apple takes a really long time to actually set it up And I want to make sure that you can get a chance to win. Okay. Okay. I know you're like chelsea Let's get to the tea.

I want you to know at the very end I'm, actually going to share all my numbers so, you know how much my business made What I spent on my business, was I profitable or not? I'm definitely going to share all that. So just like a sneak preview that is going to come at the end. Okay. So the first point might be annoying because I've already made this point before, but I think many people, including myself, need to invest way more in done for you services where they set things up for you instead of learning how to do them yourself.

I literally just talked about this like maybe three episodes ago, but I don't think a lot of you realize how many service providers and practitioners are out there that [00:02:00] love doing the things you hate, whether that's automation or editing your podcast or graphics for social media.

There are people that specialize in it that are experts that are obsessed with doing it and you can offload that to them and not only get more time back, but probably make more money because you're offloading it to an expert that's going to get it right the first time instead of you investing in a course or training to learn to do it yourself.

Doing it like a little bit haphazardly and probably messing things up.

This is what I talked about in that other episode is I really hate backend stuff and even though I know how, how to set it up, I was wasting so much brain space and honestly energy and money and doing it that it was just causing more problems. 'cause I didn't know how to do it right. And I'm like, wait,

here's a woman that's obsessed with doing it and actually, does this as her full time job. This is literally like a magic wand to me. Let me just pay her a project fee and boom, she's done and it's set up for like, my entire business. Yeah, that's worth the investment. Now, sometimes it can be a bit scary because you're seeing an upfront number one time.